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Armed Forces Day 2020

President Cyril Ramaphosa, prior to proudly watching the parade that concluded the 2020 Armed Forces Day in the city on Friday paid tribute to members of the force for the sacrifice and dedication they display in executing their task of defending the country. Ramaphosa, in the company of SANDF Chief Solly Shoke, Minister of Defence …

President Cyril Ramaphosa, prior to proudly watching the parade that concluded the 2020 Armed Forces Day in the city on Friday paid tribute to members of the force for the sacrifice and dedication they display in executing their task of defending the country.
Ramaphosa, in the company of SANDF Chief Solly Shoke, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula and other dignitaries stated: “On this Armed Forces Day, we remember all the heroes and heroines in the SANDF who serve us without any expectation of reward, and who put their lives on the line to serve their country and their continent. We show appreciation for the service rendered by our soldiers, who despite limited numbers, ensure that the 4,800 kilometres of our vast border is patrolled. They must continue serving this country loyally, and redouble their efforts to ensure that South Africans feel safe and remain safe.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa and Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans during the singing of the national anthem.

With reference to career opportunities in the SANDF he urged young people to make use of the chances offered by the 2020 intake programme, a two-year voluntary service system with the long-term goal of enhancing the SANDF deployment capability.
“The Military Skills Development System is an important front in our nation’s battle against youth unemployment. I am therefore pleased that the programme for the 2020 Armed Forces Day included a military careers showcase. I hope that young people who wish to develop themselves and grow South Africa will embrace these opportunities through which they will make an important contribution to the security and sustainability of our nation,” he said.
He thanked Mapisa-Nqakula for establishing a ministerial task team against sexual exploitation and abuse in the military and added that the team was currently hard a work to rid military incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse, which go against the grain of military ethos and character, and which violate the principles on which democracy is founded.
The parade that was met with great enthusiasm and appreciation by members of the public that lined Suid Street from early on Friday showcased manpower and machinery representative of most divisions of the force. While precision marching by members and the close-up view of troop carriers, cannons, tanks and other equipment impressed, the colourful presence of several military bands executing a number of popular tunes made for even more enjoyment by the crowd. Top of the list with many of those present was a Grippen fighter jet that ripped apart the Polokwane skies in solo display.

Story: Herbert Rachuene  |  herbert.observer@gmail.com
Photos: Yolande Nel  | observer.yolande@gmail.com
Herbert Rachuene  |  herbert.observer@gmail.com

A member of the Scottish regiment band in kilt.
A squadron passes overhead as members of the public gather along Suid Street for a spectacular display of military pomp.
A fighter plane heads for the sun.
Boots on the tar.
The SA Army Band engages in Mbombela composed and popularised by Hugh Masekela.
Military precision on display.
The crowd reflects in the brass of the instruments of members of the Navy band.

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