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Stronger, tougher – ‘it’s an order’

He is not taking lightly the alleged threat against his safety that came from within the provincial executive of the ruling party. Still, African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Secretary Soviet Lekganyane seems unshaken in giving impetus to the instruction from the top for a stronger and tougher stance against corruption. The current threat against his …

He is not taking lightly the alleged threat against his safety that came from within the provincial executive of the ruling party. Still, African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Secretary Soviet Lekganyane seems unshaken in giving impetus to the instruction from the top for a stronger and tougher stance against corruption.
The current threat against his safety was reportedly steered from within the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) and followed a recent meeting at Luthuli House where ground-breaking resolutions were taken regarding the institution of charges following happenings at Mogalakwena Municipality, he indicated during an interview on Saturday afternoon.
Lekganyane was speaking to Polo­kwane Observer on the sidelines of a memorial lecture honouring OR Tambo, one of the founding members of the movement, that was hosted by the Andrew Mehlape branch of the ANC in Mankweng around noon.

ANC Integrity Committee Chairperson George Mashamba quotes from the book Oliver Tambo Speaks during the memorial lecture he delivered on Saturday afternoon.

He spoke to action against those implicated in the VBS saga and at Mogalakwena Municipality where alleged corruption was identified, saying that whoever raised a finger was regarded as problematic and led to people becoming uncomfortable with the statements made because one was pointing at the wrongs supposed to have been corrected in their areas of deployment that had not been done. “I don’t known if it will divide us. I don’t know if it’s going to unite us, but it’s a serious challenge.” The divisions might have been there prior to the VBS bomb dropping, he indicated. He spoke of a deliberate intention to loot state resources which had to be stopped.

He was reluctant to address the issue of the threat, Lekganyane remarked and said the matter was being investigated. He said he wasn’t taking it lightly and regarded it as very serious, having to take into consideration what has been happening around incidents of ANC leaders in the province getting killed.

ANC Andrew Mehlape branch secretary Joel Seabi reiterates an earlier expression of support for ANC Integrity Committee Chairperson George Mashamba.

On the origin thereof he pointed out that it was a member of the PEC allegedly enquiring about his personal details on the same evening after the meeting in the beginning of the month with national party officials where ground-breaking resolutions were taken to charge people at Mogalakwena Municipality. The organisation was going to take action and effect disciplinary measures against certain individuals, but due to the organisation not being an institution of government the Premier and the MECs for Provincial Treasury and Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) would have to lead the way on the matter, he said.
Once given a report by the provincial government on dealing with the issues they could take decisions, Lekganyane added.
He had confidence in the provincial government intervening decisively in Mogalakwena and the reason why the national leadership decided to give the provincial executive a chance was because they still had confidence in the leadership of the party in Limpopo. The national leadership had been emphatic when they presented their plan and told them they were expected to be tougher and stronger, he added.

ANC supporters join dancing party members.

Turning to the burning issue of possible concern about a recall of leadership or a dissolving of an executive, he said for now branches were united behind the leadership of the province and structures at sub-provincial level. The party in the province was not worse off, structures were still meeting and were very functional and programmes being conducted, he concluded.
Having taken to the stage that afternoon Lekganyane later spoke on aphrophobia and xenophobia as well as contemporary issues in the political landscape and country.
George Mashamba, who is a branch member and also the ANC’s Integrity Committee Chairperson, delivered the memorial lecture on the life and times of OR Tambo, in particular quoting from the book Oliver Tambo Speaks. The call for defending the veteran of the struggle seen to be vilified by individuals in the party on VBS-related recommendations was reiterated by branch secretary Joel Seabi.

Story/photos: YOLANDE NEL

A packed Mankweng community hall on Saturday afternoon.
A supporter of the ruling party joins the crowd participating in singing of revolutionary songs.
A party member in support of her party.
Singing and dancing to the beat of revolutionary tunes.

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