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Learner violence goes viral

A video depicting the harrowing ordeal of a boy running scared after being attacked by two learners in Nirvana last Friday evening, has once again placed the spotlight on the outcry from communities for authorities to take action against gangsterism, violence and bullying in schools. The video clearly showing the attack on a Grade 9 …

A video depicting the harrowing ordeal of a boy running scared after being attacked by two learners in Nirvana last Friday evening, has once again placed the spotlight on the outcry from communities for authorities to take action against gangsterism, violence and bullying in schools.
The video clearly showing the attack on a Grade 9 learner by two fellow learners wearing the same school uniform and having been identified as Grade 12s, has been trending on social media. This six months after a video about the alleged attack on Thorisho Themane by a gang of youngsters in Flora Park was also trending.
Maphure Manamela of the Provincial Police Communications Centre also confirmed that cases of common assault, malicious damage to property and intimidation are being investigated. She indicated that two suspects have since been taken in for questioning but no arrests have been made as yet. Nirvana Community Policing Forum (CPF) acting Chairperson Shabier Valjie said the video was shocking and action should be taken against the guilty party.
According to him the 14-year-old learner, accompanied by a friend to a nearby spaza shop in the neighbourhood, was accosted by two other learners who allegedly demanded cigarettes and his cell phone. The video clearly shows how the boy is slapped against the head and kicked on the body. He was later pinned to the floor when his friend pulled him by the leg in an effort to save him from his attackers. His jacket was torn and his cell phone damaged during the attack.
It is not clear who filmed the ordeal but the videographer can be clearly heard laughing as the attackers pummel their victim with slaps and kicks. According to information a passer-by stopped at the scene and took the victim home. The boy allegedly asked the man not to inform his parents about the ordeal as he ran scared. “It was only last Tuesday when someone forwarded the video to his parents. He again indicated that he did not want to tell them about it as he has already been threatened by his attackers that they would ‘come for him’ if he told anyone,” according to Valjie.
When the boy’s parents allegedly visited the school later that day to address the issue with the principal they were supported by members of local security companies and Nirvana CPF.
It was learnt that the suspects allegedly also threatened the boy’s parents and continued to intimidate the boy to such an extent that he called his parents to collect him from school last Wednesday as he was scared.
When the suspects were informed that the parents were planning on opening a case against them, one of them allegedly pointed a finger at the mother telling her to drop the case, adding: “We are boss. You can’t do us nothing.”
The boy was taken to a doctor for a medical examination after he started complaining about headaches and body pain since the incident.
It is alleged that the principal indicated to the parents that there was nothing he could do about the incident as it did not happen on the school premises.
Department of Education Spokesperson Sam Makondo responded to the video saying: “This is a matter which happened outside our school. As a department we take interest bcos (sic) learners in school uniform must behave themselves at all given times and not bring the school into disrepute. We will accordingly follow processes that apply in cases such as this one.”

Story: RC Myburgh

The boy is pinned to the floor.
The victim’s friend tries to safe the boy by pulling away from the attackers.

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