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Farewell to two CDM stalwarts

No points of order were raised when councillors and guests assembled in the council chamber of Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) on Friday to bid two former councillors farewell. Following the recent national elections, former Speaker of Council Nakedi Lekganyane and former Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Strategic Executive Management Services Patricia Mahlo were …

No points of order were raised when councillors and guests assembled in the council chamber of Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) on Friday to bid two former councillors farewell.
Following the recent national elections, former Speaker of Council Nakedi Lekganyane and former Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Strategic Executive Management Services Patricia Mahlo were deployed to the Legislature and the National Assembly respectively.
Addressing guests, CDM Executive Mayor John Mpe described Lekganyane and Mahlo as the two most active, tried and tested politicians who have worked at CDM. “We are proud of you to have served for many terms in a service that is based on vision and commitment to bring about a better life to our people. And at the same time it is indeed sad that you have departed from an institution where much still has to be done to free our people out of the morass of poverty,” Mpe said.

Former CDM Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Strategic Executive Management Services Patricia Mahlo is now a member of the National Assembly.
Former CDM Speaker of Council Nakedi Lekganyane is deployed to the Legislature.

“One of my attributes to honourable Lekganyane that she has always had since we worked together here in CDM from 2010 when she came as MMC for Sport, Arts and Culture is that of approachability because she embraces people with warmth and consistency and an ear to listen to the issues that they want to raise. That combination of patience and warmth is what draws people to her. I suppose it is the effect of the many things that she had modelled her life on from her working in communities through to being an active member of the African National Congress and current member of Legislature,” Mpe said.
“The other attribute that goes to honourable Mahlo is style and eagerness to be heard. Councillor Mahlo has a lot of style we know that. Her presence was felt when she first joined us as MMC in the previous administration and has always been vocal about service delivery issues. It is a style defined not only by the clothes that she wears but by the grace with which she carries herself and articulation of points,” Mpe added.
“We surely will miss you from within our municipalities, our ranks, but we take solace from the fact that your outstanding capabilities will be used at a provincial and national level for the benefit of our people. We will cherish your contributions,” he said.

Story & photos: BARRY VILJOEN

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