Off-road fanatics reach out to assist the elderly

Off-road enthusiasts affiliated to the Limpopo Jeep Wranglers Club observed International Jeep Wranglers Topless Day by letting down the tops and extending a helping hand to Phuti Molapo Old Age Home in Zone 5, Seshego on Saturday when they delivered a donation of essentials such as blankets, washcloths, soap and adult diapers to be used …

Off-road enthusiasts affiliated to the Limpopo Jeep Wranglers Club observed International Jeep Wranglers Topless Day by letting down the tops and extending a helping hand to Phuti Molapo Old Age Home in Zone 5, Seshego on Saturday when they delivered a donation of essentials such as blankets, washcloths, soap and adult diapers to be used in caring for the residents.
Club President Kennedy Ndhlebe said that the club was made up of off-road fanatics who were on a mission to help the less privileged.
He explained that in the club’s three years of existence they have assisted 15 charity organisation across the province.
The exercise carried out on Saturday was part of these charity drives, according to Ndhlebe who also added that members contributed money from their own pockets to buy the necessary goods.
Giving a brief background of the organisation, Phuti Molapo Old Age Home co-founder Sylvia Sehlako indicated that the centre started in 2013 and caters for 24 elderly persons.
She added that they take care of the senior citizens and at the same time create employment for a staff of nine persons at the moment. She went on to reveal that they depend on the residents’ social grants and donations as the centre does not get support from government.
“Although government does not assist us in any way, we are troubled by social workers who want to shut down the centre. We comply with health standards but we have to defend ourselves time and again,” Sehlako stressed.
She thanked the club for helping out and reckoned that other social clubs would follow in their footsteps and assist the less fortunate and charity organisations.

Story and photos: ENDY SENYATSI

Off-road enthusiasts observe International Jeep Wranglers Topless Day.
Residents of Phuti Molapo Old Age Home show their gratitude for the donations they received.
Limpopo Jeep Wranglers Club members and residents of the old age home listen to the speakers.
Phuti Molapo Old Age Home co-founder Sylvia Sehlako gives a brief background of the centre.

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