Women address social issues, exhibit their work

The Westenburg Care Group ladies’ spring day held at the Roman Catholic Church hall on Saturday was aimed at affording women and businesswomen in the area an opportunity to address social issues and promote their business. The gathering gave local businesswomen exposure as they were allowed to display and sell their products which included foot …

The Westenburg Care Group ladies’ spring day held at the Roman Catholic Church hall on Saturday was aimed at affording women and businesswomen in the area an opportunity to address social issues and promote their business.
The gathering gave local businesswomen exposure as they were allowed to display and sell their products which included foot care services, home baked biscuits and beadwork. One of the organisers, Mary-Ann Posl explained that the event addressed issues such as menopause, sexuality and substance abuse and said that they hoped the initiative would educate women on different subjects.
The women were encouraged to establish different support groups or else join existing ones and participate in discussions that affect them. The Department of Health dispatched a mobile clinic to the event for screening of among others blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It was learnt that presentations on teenage pregnancy and other health topics can be expected in the future. Posl thanked the women who participated in the event and said plans were underway to make it an annual gathering.

Story and photos: ENDY SENYATSI

Westenburg businesswoman Betty Lawrence treats Frankie Barendse to a foot massage.
Wrobyn Posl and businesswoman Angela Rogers with the clothing items they had brought.
Kelelelo Molapo displays some of her colourful beadwork.

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