Rotarians donate for charity

Members of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 and the Rotary Anns last week contributed their time and energy to process 600 kg of venison for distribution to charities. Richard Wilson, convenor of the project, said that the workers started last Monday to process a kudu, blouwildebeest, eland and a buffalo that were donated to …

Members of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 and the Rotary Anns last week contributed their time and energy to process 600 kg of venison for distribution to charities.
Richard Wilson, convenor of the project, said that the workers started last Monday to process a kudu, blouwildebeest, eland and a buffalo that were donated to the club by Blessman International, an American missionary group operating in the province. The last boerewors was rolled out on Friday afternoon and mince, stewing pieces and biltong were packed and taken away to be delivered at Tuiskoms Shelter, Our Home and drop-off centres around the city.
President of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100, Johan Joubert, said that the Rotarians and the Anns came and went through the week. “We always had a team on duty and actually had a lot of fun as well,” Joubert said and thanked everyone involved for their contribution.

Story and photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Rotary Anns Marlene Wilson and Yvonne Joubert, President, attend to the packaging of the meat portions.
Rotarians Pieter Meintjes, Fred de Wit, Ian Duncan and Orrie Baragwanath make fun part of the work.

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