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Infrastructure backlog for TVET colleges a concern

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Hlengiwe Mkhize during a meeting with higher education district managers at Capricorn College for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Central Campus last Tuesday divulged that a huge infrastructure backlog existed and needed to be addressed to accommodate as many students as possible. Mkhize was in the province to …

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Hlengiwe Mkhize during a meeting with higher education district managers at Capricorn College for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Central Campus last Tuesday divulged that a huge infrastructure backlog existed and needed to be addressed to accommodate as many students as possible.
Mkhize was in the province to assess registrations and accommodation processes. She responded to claims that there was not enough space to accommodate the large number of persons who wish to further their studies at TVET colleges across the province.
She said citizens are somehow misinterpreting the announcement by President Jacob Zuma regarding free education. She stressed that not all students can further their studies for free hence only those who qualify as per Zuma’s announcement will be accepted and cited as an example that a child of an executive mayor would not qualify for free higher education.
Credit was given to Premier Stan Mathabatha for availing the new Peter Mokaba Stadium to Capricorn College for TVET Polokwane Campus to resume with registrations last Monday after the process was delayed and finally postponed due to excessive numbers of prospective students and some sustaining injuries.
Mkhize said “We are not happy when our children sustain injuries due to a stampede. If you recall, one student died years back at a certain institution of higher learning during the registration period and these are some of the incidents we are trying to avoid. Education is our top priority and we will do everything in our power to ensure that children go to school.”
Capricorn District Executive Mayor John Mpe who accompanied Mkhize, said Mathabatha had directed all municipalities to assist colleges and added that they were delighted that thousands of aspiring students managed to process their applications and are now awaiting response from colleges. “Education is a societal responsibility and government is committed to assist but investment towards college infrastructure should be made,” Mpe explained.
Although the issue of limited space was not addressed in detail, Lephalale TVET College Principal, Lekau Mamabolo ascended the stage to give an indication of what was happening at his college. He said last Monday they had 1 000 spaces available for various courses such as Electrical Infrastructure Construction, Fabrication, Fitting and turning and Hospitality.
He, however, indicated that the space might have been taken up because aspiring students were still busy processing their applications. Other colleges did not have the statistics during the meeting.

Story & photo: ENDY SENYATSI

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