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Grade 12 Mathematics exam paper leaks

A high level investigation involving teams from the Department of Basic Education (DBE), Department of Education and law enforcement agencies was instigated and exam papers quarantined when, despite stringent security measures, a Grade 12 Mathematics exam paper leaked in the Giyani area before the examination was written on Monday. It is not yet known how …

A high level investigation involving teams from the Department of Basic Education (DBE), Department of Education and law enforcement agencies was instigated and exam papers quarantined when, despite stringent security measures, a Grade 12 Mathematics exam paper leaked in the Giyani area before the examination was written on Monday.
It is not yet known how many schools are affected, but the paper was seemingly copied and spread using mobile devices. Exam scripts at some schools have been quarantined to determine if any patterns could be traced.
Elijah Mhlanga, Spokesperson for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) in a press release on Tuesday stated that law enforcement agencies including the Hawks are investigating the incident and a case has been opened by the Police. “The Department takes this security breach in a serious light,” he stated. The first and second Mathematics papers were written on Friday and Monday.
Naledzani Rasila, Head of Communications at the department said the department condemns the unfortunate incident and confirmed that investigations are taking place.
Mhlanga in an earlier statement said extra measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of question papers for final matric examinations in Limpopo. In some areas, question papers have been moved from places it was initially stored at to other facilities following fears of possible leaks and the DBE has increased the number of senior officials tasked with safeguarding papers.
It is the second consecutive year an examination paper was leaked in Limpopo. Last year a Life Sciences 2 paper leaked in the Vhembe district before it was written.
“We conducted an investigation and established that the leak had taken place at a storage facility. We have made changes there and did an audit to check if these storage facilities comply with our requirements,” says Mhlanga
He says a lot of work has been done to make sure that the integrity of the examinations is protected and that the DBE was shocked and disappointed to learn about the incident.
Mhlanga called upon learners and parents to report incidents and expose those behind such activities, not to take part in criminal activities such as trading in leaked exam papers.
“This year 677 141 full time and 150 183 part-time candidates are registered to sit for the examinations.
“Preparing for and managing an examination of this magnitude is a mammoth task. It requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders – most especially administrators that are a key to the success or failure of the entire National Senior Certificate examination process. The department would like to assure learners, parents and other stakeholders that it is has taken extraordinary measures to safeguard the integrity of these exams and would work tirelessly to expose and charge those behind the incident of maths exam paper in Limpopo,” Mhlanga assured.
All matrics in the province pledged on 24 November to do their best in the exam, to focus on their studies and devote their time to revise the work done throughout the year. The pledge further read, “I will not be influenced in any way to cheat in the examination by any person including the invigilator, and I will not participate in wrong things which include, but not limited to copying or being in possession of unauthorised material”.


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