Local NewsNews

Man killed, genitals removed

Pedestrians using one of various shortcuts across the Sand River adjacent to Vermikuliet Street between Ladanna and Disteneng, discovered the body of a man suspected to have been stabbed in the neck and having his genitals removed this morning (Friday). According to a vendor selling cigarettes and sweets to pedestrians the incident must have taken …

Pedestrians using one of various shortcuts across the Sand River adjacent to Vermikuliet Street between Ladanna and Disteneng, discovered the body of a man suspected to have been stabbed in the neck and having his genitals removed this morning (Friday).
According to a vendor selling cigarettes and sweets to pedestrians the incident must have taken place at around 05:30. “This is not right. I use to stay in Disteneng, but moved months ago because of the high crime rate in the area. Pedestrians crossing the river have become victims of robbery, theft and aggravated attacks almost on a daily basis,” the vendor said.
A wound was noticed to the victim’s neck, he had no trousers on and his genitals had allegedly been removed. “We don’t know the motive behind the killing but it might be for muti purposes,” the vendor alleged.
Westenburg Police Spokesperson Maphure Manamela confirmed that the Police are investigating a case of murder. “Police are still at the scene and I cannot confirm the motive behind the killing yet,” she said.
Polokwane Observer arrived early on the scene after a tipoff only to find two Police officials leaving the scene and corpse unguarded.

Story and photo: RC Myburgh

Featured photo: Pedestrians on the scene where a dead man was discovered early this morning. The deceased had an apparent stab wound to the neck and his genitals had been cut off.

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