
Pemps learners reveal their career choices

Grade 7 leaners of Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) shared their career choices with educators and classmates last Friday during a career day as part of the Life Orientation curriculum. The learners made presentations about various careers and gave reasons for their choices. Aspirant electrical engineer Ofentse Maleka said he chose the profession because …

Grade 7 leaners of Pietersburg English Medium Primary School (Pemps) shared their career choices with educators and classmates last Friday during a career day as part of the Life Orientation curriculum. The learners made presentations about various careers and gave reasons for their choices.
Aspirant electrical engineer Ofentse Maleka said he chose the profession because he wants to design an antifraud wire that will help in curbing the theft of copper wire which is rife in the country. “Copper wire theft is a dangerous and serious crime and bad for the profession. It is my dream to come up with a model that will put a stop to it,” Ofentse said.
Ditiro Maboa wants to become a doctor because he wants to help those who are living with diseases. “I choose this profession because I see people with different illnesses every day and some are not getting any better. I want to help such people,” Ditoro said.
Luziniq Antonio said he wants to become a soldier so that he can protect and defend the country. Mabine Mametja, educator responsible for organising the day, explained that they stage the event every year with the aim of giving learners an opportunity to share their career choices with each other and their educators.
“It gave us the opportunity to listen to our learners and discover their plans for the future. They were very sound in their presentations and we hope they will remain focused and fulfil the promises they have made to themselves,” Mametja said.

Herbert Rachuene

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