
PEPPS’ Pirates of Penzance a treat

The members of PEPPS College Drama group for three evenings last week entertained audiences with a thoroughly enjoyable production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. It could be a gamble to present such a well-known production with high school learners, but the production just worked on all levels: extremely good voices, a colourful wardrobe, …

The members of PEPPS College Drama group for three evenings last week entertained audiences with a thoroughly enjoyable production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. It could be a gamble to present such a well-known production with high school learners, but the production just worked on all levels: extremely good voices, a colourful wardrobe, actors that looked as if they really enjoyed what they were doing and light entertainment guaranteed to make you forget everything else and take you back to the coast of Cornwall in 1890.
It was evident that a lot of hard work went into the preparation for the production, and it certainly showed. The backstage crew’s assistance made for a seamless transfer from the pirates’ den to the castle of Major-General Stanley and the sweet voices of the chorus and the antics of the policemen certainly added to the audience’s delight. Outstanding performances were delivered by most of the cast with Ruth (Talia Ngakane), the Pirate King (Okeamute Idolor), Major-General Stanley (Miles Ilorah) and Mabel (Muofhe Masia) being the most accomplished.


Ruth (Talia Ngakane) and Major-General Stanley (Miles Ilorah).
Ruth (Talia Ngakane) and Major-General Stanley (Miles Ilorah).
Okeamute Idolor as the Pirate King delivered an outstanding performance in the Pirates of Penzance on Thursday.
Okeamute Idolor as the Pirate King delivered an outstanding performance in the Pirates of Penzance on Thursday.
Photos: Nelie Erasmus - Ruth (Talia Ngakane) and Frederick (Vhudi Motabatsindi) In the Pirates of Penzance.
Photos: Nelie Erasmus
– Ruth (Talia Ngakane) and Frederick (Vhudi Motabatsindi) In the Pirates of Penzance.

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