
Gift bags for top Gr 12 learners

On 23 June, the best Gr 12 class of the first term at Flora Park Comprehensive High School received gift bags customised with the school emblem.

POLOKWANE – A total of 34 school bags were donated by a parent, Calvin Mutwanamba to help the school give good performing learners an incentive to do their best.

This is part of a motivation strategy by the school to keep the academic performance of the learners at its highest.

Principal Ntsieni Masekela explained that the aim is to create competition among the classes.

“Competition will make them perform better.

During the awards ceremony, they received a trophy but we wanted to do more for them so that the other learners can be motivated to do better.”

The Gr 12 C class teacher, Thabiso Mathipa said he was happy that his class had been awarded as the best class.

“This was because of their good conduct. We also had a 100% pass rate. We excelled in the first term,” he added.

One of the recipients, Rorisang Ngoepe expressed her excitement: “The bags are very nice and I won’t need to buy another school bag this year”.

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