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[WATCH] Vaccination of teachers underway in Polokwane

The vaccination phase for emplyees in the basic education sector kicked-off at the Pietersburg Provincial Hospital this morning, with more than 520 basic education workers set to receive their jab.

POLOKWANE – Limpopo Premier Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, officially launched the Covid-19 vaccination phase for emplyees in the basic education sector this morning (June 25). He was accompanied by the Minister for Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, Limpopo Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba and Education MEC, Polly Boshielo.

“We are pleased to have received the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 single dose vaccine for our basic education workers. As we enter the third wave, vaccination of our educators and support staff remain paramount. We call upon basic education workers to use this opportunity and be vaccinated,” he said.

The Education Department has been allocated 38 400 doses of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 single dose vaccine for the current vaccination phase and 37 fixed vaccination sites will be utilised.

Photo: Limpopo Education

The basic education sector refers to staff at schools, as well as circuit, district, and provincial levels. This includes teachers appointed by the Department, teachers appointed by School Governing Bodies, teachers in the independent school sector, administrative and support staff appointed by the Department, non-teaching staff appointed by the Department (drivers, cleaners, janitors, security guards, etc.) and all hostel staff appointed by the Department.

Boshielo was one of the first to receive her jab.

Boshielo earlier expressed her satisfaction on the roll out plans for the province and added that vaccination schedules were sent to provincial schools, earlier this week. “As the department we are confident that the most teachers in the province will be vaccinated over the next two days.”

Review spoke to educators who received their vaccination. This is what they had to say:

Vaccinations are voluntary; Boshielo however encouraged all staff to take the vaccine to ensure normalisation with the education sector.

The list of vaccination sites throughout the province:

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