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[WATCH] Police, CPF clean up ‘criminal haven’

The open field in Hospital Park was identified as a hideout for thieves.

POLOKWANE – Members of the Community Policing Forum (CPF) teamed up with police and several other stakeholders to clean up a known crime hotspot in Hospital Park on Wednesday morning.

The field, situated on the corner of Magazyn and Diaz streets, was identified as a criminal haven and is reported to be a hideout for thieves.

Frans Swart, a member of the Community in Blue programme as well as CPF representative from the Department of Provincial Community Safety, explained what the teams hope to accomplish with the clean-up operation.

He explained that the first step will be to create an access road through the field, which will enable the CPF to patrol the area. Municipal workers were on the ground to clear the way.

During the walk-through, members came across an entire community living in the area. Swart said the majority of the residents living in these illegal dwellings are from South Africa while others are illegal immigrants. “These residents will be relocated by the relevant department,” he added.

Read the full story in next week’s printed edition.

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