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Young business owners reach out to orphaned and needy kids

The young entrepreneurs donated school uniforms to 70 orphaned children at Takalani Children's Home in Siloam.

LIMPOPO – “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”

These encouraging words from the late former president, Nelson Mandela, is the drive to make a change of young business owners from Nzhelele area who recently donated school uniforms to 70 orphaned children at Takalani Children’s Home in Siloam. The donation was handed over last Saturday.

The young entrepreneurs assist with food, clothes and learning material on a regular basis when the home needs assistance.

The representative of the donors, Tshume Tshindane, said children needed to be nurtured for them to become responsible leaders. He said that the uniform marked the long journey of community development through fruitful partnerships. “The importance of education does not need a guest speaker to emphasise it; it is a given. Education brings light, joy and wealth. One can have a bright future no matter your background, you just have to make the right choices.”

Tshindane said they felt indebted to the schools and thought of ploughing back to the orphans to help shape their lives. “We know of the conditions here at the Takalani Children’s Home, as we experienced this personally. Poverty is at its worst in these areas, and we felt we should do something for our young brothers and sisters at this centre, which made us what we are today.”

He encourage learners to study hard and be responsible members of the community who would, in turn, help other disadvantaged children. “We would like to see these children climbing the ladder of success in the future. With all the motivation we are giving them, nothing is impossible,” he added.

Pfuluwani Ramalala at the Takalani’s Child Health Care could not hide her excitement. She said that they sincerely appreciate these Good Samaritans’ efforts and love.

“We are very grateful for what the young businesspeople around the area have done today,” she said. She told the children to count themselves lucky to be receiving the uniforms, as many orphans had to attend school in old and tattered uniforms.

She added that they always prayed for miracles to happen. “What you have done for our children is a big relief to us and our children. You eased a big burden for us. May God richly bless you, so that you continue to help us and our children,” she said.


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