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Limpopo News Updates is now available on Telegram

If you are making the switch from WhatsApp to Telegram, but do not want to miss out on Limpopo's news updates; join our Telegram Channel.

POLOKWANE – Polokwane Review and Polokwane Observer’s Limpopo News Updates is now available on Telegram.

If you decided to make the switch from WhatsApp to Telegram, but do not want to miss out on Limpopo’s news updates; join our Telegram Channel by clicking on this link: https://t.me/limpoponewsupdates

Alternatively, follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Add our number to your contact list – 066 326 2011 – save as Limpopo News Updates

Step 2: Then go to Telegram and send us a message with your name and surname i.e Mark Nel

Step 3: Wait until we add you to our channel to receive news updates as they happen.

Another way to join our channel is by searching Limpopo News Updates in Telegram’s search bar.


Your contact details will not be shared with any third party and you will not receive spam messages. Members will receive breaking news updates. Your connection to the Limpopo News Updates service (a free service) will mean that you get messages directly from our news desk; messages relating solely to Polokwane Review and Polokwane Observer content.

We may experience a high volume of sign-ons to the Telegram service, therefore you may not be added immediately.

Should you change your device or cell phone number, you may have to resubscribe to this service (refer to the steps above). For news tips please email editor@nmgroup.co.za or send an inbox on the Facebook page.  Alternatively, send us a tweet @PolokwaneReview, @PolokwaneObserv or call 015 293 9400.

To unsubscribe from the Telegram channel, go to Channel Info and Leave the channel. Please take note that when you exit the channel, the only way to be re-added is to follow the steps mentioned above.

*Take note: Our WhatsApp groups will still remain active and keep you up-to-date with what’s happening in Limpopo.

Also read: Stay in the loop, join the Polokwane Review WhatsApp group

For more breaking news follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram or join our WhatsApp group or Telegram channel.

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