
Make a meal – mix ‘n match for meal inspiration

Thinking of something exciting and delicious to make in a moment’s notice can be tough. Especially when you are feeling uninspired.

These tips will help you put together a delightful and interesting meal without having to put too much time and effort into creating a fantastic and exciting meal.

Main Proteins

What was traditionally a beef or chicken game is actually a world of choice if you put a little bit of thought into it. Obviously, other foods also contain proteins, but we are talking about traditional protein choices for your meal. Protein can mean any number of foods including beef, poultry like chicken and turkey, lamb, goat, seafood, eggs, tofu and other soy derivatives.


Mix up your veggies to make your meals more interesting. If you choose not to have a main protein, then this is where you can really get creative. Add mushrooms for a high protein and meaty veg option. Opt for multiple veggies and get creative with mixing it up. An excellent way to select vegetables for each meal is to choose based on colours – each meal should have at least a green and yellow or orange veg option. Try spinach and carrots or butternut and baby marrow, for example, to keep your plate colourful and meals balanced.

Starch or grain

Starch is a great filler, especially for big families – from umngqusho to a classic potato, it’s a great idea to bulk up a meal with a starch or grain to add substance and to make sure busy families are getting the energy they need. Starches and grains that are common and can be substituted are samp, couscous, bread, potatoes and rice. Legumes and beans can also be used as a vessel for your meal so you can opt for lentils or chickpeas, for example, to mix it up.

Cooking style

Braised, stewed, sautéed, fried, baked or roasted – there are so many ways for you to cook your food that can make eating more enjoyable. Go for different cooking styles across your meal to add exciting flavours and textures. Rather than simply boiling everything, stew your protein and roast your veggies. Add a sautéed grain of fresh greens to layer character and depth into your meal.

Flavour profile

Here is where you decide on the overall flavour of your meal – it can be inspired by a part of the world or by a favourite ingredient. For example, if you love curry powder, you can use this as a driving force for the flavours in your meal. Or perhaps you have a favourite sauce that you want to use as the main feature on which to build your meal. This will help to give your meal direction and ensure that it all works together. A mix and match approach to meal inspiration is an almost foolproof way to create a killer meal with minimal effort and maximum impact. So, whether it’s a chicken curry with delicious trimmings like flatbread and sambals or a Mediterranean feast inspired by your choice of protein, it’s simple and easy to execute.

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