
Hygiene Habits to Follow for Good Health and Skin

Our bodies do so much for us, it is only right that we return the favour by giving them the cleanliness and care they need.

Washing your hands regularly

Washing your hands is extremely important to avoid falling ill and spreading germs to other people. Germs from unwashed hands can get into our food while preparing and consuming a meal. They can also be transferred from other objects in the house like the door handles, tables and kitchen utensils, and then transferred to another person’s hands. Protect yourself and your family by washing your hands at least 6 times a day with a beauty bar soap to not only get rid of germs but to leave your hands feeling fragrant as well.

Exfoliating your skin

As you age, your body sheds old skin cells slower and that will take it longer to generate new ones. This causes old skin cells to start piling up on the surface of your skin and results in it looking dry, dull or rough. However, when you exfoliate your skin, you prevent this from happening, because this method removes the barrier of dead skin cells and leaves your skin feeling smoother. Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week with a cleansing body wash from the new LUX Botanicals range. The products are infused with natural ingredients that include tea tree oil, rosemary, mint, plum and raspberry.

Moisturise your whole body

This might seem obvious but not everyone moisturises their whole body. Some people only moisturise the parts of their body that people see, such as their hands, feet and face. When you neglect to moisturise your whole body, overtime parts of your skin will feel dry and look dull. Moisturise your entire body after every bath or shower to give your skin hydration so that it looks radiant and feels smooth.

With these tips, your skin will be soft, radiant, and free of germs and odour.

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