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Crime stats attest to spike in gender-based violence

It was concerning that in the period under review, educational institutions in particular have become a hotbed for sexual violence, according to the minister.

Announcing the country’s crime statistics earlier today, Police Minister Bheki Cele remarked that the Covid-19 pandemic had drastically redefined not only life as we used to know it, but also traditional policing.

Despite the observation that Covid-19 lockdown regulations drastically impacted how police officials conduct their work subsequent to March 2020, Cele explained that the statistics announced today are applicable to the year ending March, 2020.

Accordingly, the statistics discussed do not reflect the effect Covid-19 or the lockdown may have had on the prevalence of crime in South Africa.

Cele’s report highlights some key trends in crime statistics.

Contact Crimes increased by 0.7%

All Sexual Offences crimes increased by 1.7%

Commercial Crimes increased by 0.1%

Although many categories of crimes have recorded a decrease, Cele acknowledged that the police’s crime-fighting and prevention strategies need a boost. He urged communities to work with the police to make South Africans feel safer.

According to Celle, the persisting increase in violent crimes has been slowing down. “Indeed, we are not where we want to be, however, we are pleased with the improvements in most stubborn crime categories.”

Contact-Related Crimes decreased by 4.2%

All Property-Related Crimes decreased 5.2%

All other serious crimes decreased by 4.0%

Overall, the 17 community-reported serious crimes decreased by -2.7%


Stock theft

Stock theft has seen a decrease of 4.2 %.

“I always argue that the same resources that are deployed to fight aggravated robberies, must equally be channelled to address stock theft as this is regarded as a serious crime to our rural economy,” Cele said.

Property-related crimes 

Burglaries at residential premises have declined by 6.7%

Robberies at residential properties have seen a decrease of 5.8%.

Cash-in-transit robberies saw a decrease of 10.4% and bank robberies decreased by 100%. Cele pointed out that only four bank robberies had been recorded in the previous year’s national crime statistics.

Sexual offences

The minister acknowledged that these crimes have plagued millions of households and that many victims are abused behind closed doors. He called for the intensification of campaigns on gender-based violence, and femicide.

“It is of concern that educational institutions are becoming hotbeds for sexual violence.  A total of 380 cases of rape were reported at either schools, universities, colleges or daycare facilities,” he said.

Firearm amnesty

A new firearm amnesty period commences tomorrow, on August 1. The duration of the amnesty has not been announced.


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