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Is your child battling to adjust to the new ‘normal’?

Cindy Glass, owner and co-founder of Step Up Education Centres shares advice on how parents can help their children adjust to the new 'normal' quicker

The Covid-19 pandemic is unchartered waters and has impacted our lives in ways we could never have imagined a few months ago. Being constantly bombarded with information about a new reality has left most people feeling uncertain, anxious, and fearful for what the future may hold.

Cindy Glass, Owner and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres says everyone has been affected in some way or another during these unprecedented times. This includes the children who have had to adapt to the new way of life at home and school. ”

Glass says that while some children have adapted to the ‘new normal’, there are those who are still battling to adjust. For the parents of these children she offers the following advice:

Focus on routine, structure, and a positive mindset:

Keep the lines of communication wide open. Your children will want to discuss their fears and have the opportunity to ask questions to alleviate anxieties and stresses that they may be feeling.  They will want to lean on you, their parents, and guardians to lead them forward in a way that instils confidence and a positive sense of togetherness in the family. Nothing says, “We have your back!” louder than a positive approach to challenging circumstances.

Follow the rules at school:
The new normal in schools includes knowing how to wash your hands, sanitising school desks and equipment, not being allowed to share stationery and food, wearing masks and social distancing – even on the  playground. These are tough measures for children, especially the younger ones, to adhere to. Speak to the temporary nature of these measures and explain that when everyone works as a team, the restrictions will end quicker.

Focus on what you and your family CAN control:
There are many things that are within your control. Teach your children how important it is to take care of themselves while around other people. Help them understand – through non-judgemental, open communication – that they need not fear these restrictions. Fear creates an entirely new set of challenges that don’t add any value to anyone’s life.

Limit the amount of negative news in your home:
Keep yourself informed about the virus, but be aware that children do not have the emotional maturity of adults and therefore cannot process frightening news effectively, if at all.

Unburden the academic pressures:
Though there may have been many fundamental academic goals to your child’s learning before the virus, this is not the time to add any pressure. Appreciate the enormity of having to adapt to the new ‘normal’ of life at school and know that there is very little on earth that can and will cause a child to burn out, become depressed, demotivated and disheartened as added pressure under tough circumstances most certainly will do.

Believe in your children’s ability to adapt and thrive:
Let your children know that you are confident in them and that you are proud of the efforts that they are making – even in what may seem to be small ways.

She reminds parents to lead by example. “Children will follow your actions, not your words.”

She adds that parents need to foster an attitude of gratitude in their children. “The school day may be different, but each of us needs to find something to be grateful for every day. Gratitude helps us navigate the toughest of circumstances,” she concluded.

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