
‘Party on, but leave the firearms’

The Westenburg police urge residents not to go out to places of entertainment with their firearms.

The Westenburg police urge residents not to go out to places of entertainment with their firearms.

This after a firearm was allegedly stolen from a vehicle after the owner passed out in front of a pub in Ladanna.

The man in his early 30’s was found passed out in his vehicle, which was not locked, by police officials who were patrolling the area. The police allegedly tried to wake him, but he was too much under the influence and could not wake up.

Capt Mohlaka Mashiane, Westenburg police spokesperson, said while the police were trying to wake the man, another person came and identified himself as the brother of the man who was passed out in the vehicle.

After a long struggle, the police managed to wake the man and he confirmed that he knew the man that claimed to be his brother.

“The police left the scene, but the following day, the man came to the Westenburg police station claiming his firearm, which was in the vehicle, was stolen.

“A person is not allowed to enter any place of entertainment with a firearm, meaning a person will have to leave it in the vehicle and that is reckless, because it is not a storage place for a firearm, and if lost, it is considered negligent loss of a firearm. Residents are also urged not to open false cases, as we will investigate the matter and if found guilty that person will be arrested and charged with perjury,” Mashiane said.

Still in the Westenburg policing area, the police appeal to parents to always know where their children are. This after two young girls were found stranded in Westenburg and Greenside in the early hours of the morning over the weekend.

“In both cases, the girls left their homes with friends, but later the friends left them. The tried calling their friends, but their cell phones were off and the girls did not have any money or airtime to get home. This poses a threat against their security.

“We therefore plead, especially with females, not to go to places of entertainment that they are not familiar with and if they do not have a guaranteed means of going home,” Mashiane said.

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