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Lockdown a sticky situation for tenants, landlords

In the unprecedented time of many people having lost their income, landlords and their tenants have the difficult task of negotiating the way forward.  We asked locals for their solutions.

POLOKWANE – In regulating what is allowed and what not during the nationwide lockdown, government has suggested that tenants and their landlords try to compromise in situations where tenants have lost their income.

Read more: Unprecedented times for tenants, landlords: Review spoke to Gert Ehlers from DDKK Inc. about the rights of tenants and landlords respectively under these circumstances and how it will affect them in the long run.

The law, however, states that tenants will remain liable for the rent of the property they occupy. Landlords, on the other hand, remain liable for the mortgage payments on their property.

Review asked readers what solutions they would put forward given these unprecedented times.

Elize Bezuidenhout: I believe that landlords could apply for a holiday payment at their banks and then meet the tenants halfway with rent assistance. A lot of costs are rising and with children at home all day, I’m sure twice as much food had to be purchased and more electricity is used. So, my solution would be for landlords to talk to the bank, if you pay a mortgage, and then enter into an agreement with the tenant for a certain number of months.

Adele Jacobs: It is unfair and at the same time not. No one would have pulled at the short end of the stick had it not been for the lockdown. In many respects, people feel the same about having to pay rent as having to pay school fees. They simply don’t pay. Employers who, despite no business, still have to keep paying workers who otherwise cannot claim UIF. At the same time, government also does not support all businesses with financial aid. They can’t. I think the lockdown should be lifted so that everyone can once again earn a decent living and pay rent as they need to.

Ilana Pollard: I feel that the tenant should try as far as possible to pay his or her rent as it may be the landlord’s only income. But there are cases where tenants also receive no income due to the lockdown and then, unfortunately, they can also not pay the rent. It it is nobody’s fault that we are in this situation right now.

Colette Drotskie: Banks do not want to give landlords relief. Mortgages must still be paid and I think the tenant and landlord should speak with each other and find a middle ground.

Pearl Ramotshedisi: This is a catch-22 situation for everyone. As much as tenants are struggling financially, property owners are in business and not paying also puts them at a disadvantage. But if I were a landlord, I would be considerate enough to not expect rent for the next three months, because people have suffered enough during the lockdown and everyone is just trying to find their feet. To be fair, landlords and tenants can meet each other halfway. Tenants should pay half the rent so everyone sort of wins.”


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