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‘I’ll always remain true to ANC’

Ignore those who prophesise the ANC's death" - political scientist, Joe Maswanganyi

LIMPOPO – During the ceremony to celebrate his second Masters Degree in political science, Joe Maswanganyi, an ANC parliamentary member in Cape Town, urged ANC members to be united in the face of the recent “prophecies” that the party is doomed.

The ceremony was held in his home village, Mudavula in the new Malamulele Municipality, on Sunday and Maswanganyi encouraged ANC members to remain focused despite what was being said about the ANC.

“I personally, will always remain an ANC member, even if everyone were to forsake the party.

“Like Joshua in the Bible, when he said: ‘When you’re tired of serving God, you can go and serve whomever you prefer to serve, but I and my family will remain the servants of God’. Ignore those who prophesise the ANC’s death. The party belongs to everyone, including the unborn generation, and therefore it will never die,” he said.

“We must shy away from those who claim to be analysts and those who, after benefiting or having climbed to the top positions through black empowerment, take the ladder with them so no one else can benefit or reach the top. Those are the same people who curse the ANC and predict its death saying it will die by 2019.”

Touching on the subject of respect in the country, Maswanganyi said South Africans must do away with the culture of insulting leaders, saying it has become a tendency that even at funerals, people deviate from the subject at hand to insult ANC leaders.

“No matter how much you hate the person in charge of a particular position, don’t forsake your party. Be an example to those who spread the bad rumours. If there’s anything you don’t like about the ANC, raise your concerns and criticise the party but don’t leave. I believe every leader worth his salt will accept constructive criticism,” he said.



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