
Theft out of cars on the increase

Theft out of motor vehicles is on the increase in Voortrekker and Mark Streets in Groblersdal, and police appeal to motorist to exercise caution in this regard.

LIMPOPO – According to police, more motorists are falling victim to criminals who pounce on their parked vehicles.

Constable Joyce Mampa, Acting Police Spokesperson for the Groblersdal police, said 15 cases of theft out of motor vehicles are reported weekly.

“Criminals use jamming devices to ensure vehicles don’t get locke, thereby gaining access to cars after the owners have walked off. We appeal to motorists to not leave their valuables in plain sight in their vehicles. We also appeal to them to manually check that their vehicles are properly locked.”

The trend, she said, was of particular concern in Voortrekker and Mark streets, and the police are working hard to arrest culprits.

Mampa said although the crime was manifesting on the streets, police were working hard to rid the streets of criminals.

This, according to Mampa, has been the case in Van Riebeeck Street, which used to be a troublesome area. “Crime in Van Riebeek Street has seen a drastic decline thanks to businesses’ initiatives to introduce streets guards, police said.

Mampa called on the community to work with the police and report criminal activities immediately.

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