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Ben 10: Revenge taken on mom and daughter

The two are accused of having doused a young man in petrol before setting him alight a fortnight ago.

LIMPOPO – The house of a 38-year-old woman and her 59-year-old mother in Ramahantsha was set alight by angry community members on Monday night.

The two are accused of having doused a young man in petrol before setting him alight a fortnight ago.

The incident, in which the 23-year-old Tshimangadzo Masuwa was seriously injured, made headlines last week.

Read more: Lover sets ‘Ben10’ on fire in jealous rage

He apparently was the lover of the much older Muyahabo Sadiki. Such young lovers are commonly referred to as ‘Ben 10s’ in local circles.

Masuwa was allegedly accused of cheating and was allegedly attacked by the woman and her mother.

He was seriously injured in the altercation and had to be rushed to the Louis Trichardt Memorial Hospital for emergency treatment.

He was later transferred to Polokwane for treatment. Muyahabo and her mother, Johanna, were arrested following the incident.

They appeared in the Tshilwavhusiku Magistrate’s Court last week facing charges of assault and attempted murder. Johanna Sadiki was released on bail of R2 000.

The two appeared again in court on Monday and the case was postponed to 18 February.

After Monday’s court hearing angry community members from Ravele started to block access roads with stones and burning tyres and went the suspects’ houses at Ramahantsha. Rumours started that the victim, Tshimangadzo, had died in hospital. Two houses and a car were set on fire.

The burnt-out vehicle.

The fire damaged the roof and the walls of the houses and destroyed the content.

Police inspect the damage.

A spokesperson for the Masuwa family, Marubini Masuwa earlier this week refuted rumours of his death, and confirmed that he was recovering well. Last week, he was transferred to a ward, and he is no longer in the intensive care unit, he confirmed.

Masuwa said the family distanced themselves from the arson attack.

The police confirmed that a case of arson was opened, but at this stage no one had been arrested. The investigations are continuing.


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