
Fraud costs school choir their victory

What was an extremely short-lived victory for Boetse Secondary School in Moletjie ended abruptly when their title as the winners of the Polokwane Cluster Music Competition was taken from them and given to Makgoka Secondary School choir recently.

POLOKWANE – What was an extremely short-lived victory for Boetse Secondary School in Moletjie ended abruptly when their title as the winners of the Polokwane Cluster Music Competition was taken from them and given to Makgoka Secondary School choir recently.

However, some days later, their title was restored and they could enjoy their victory legitimately.

It would appear that the confusion arose when one of the competition adjudicators realised that his favourite had not won, and he changed his score some time after the choirs’ performances.

According to Polokwane Cluster Music Competition chairperson, Lesiba Teffo, who was also one of the data capturers during the competition, the problem arose when the three adjudicators had to approve the final scoresheet.

“One adjudicator decided to change his score, and allocated a new score when he realised that the choir he had earmarked as the winner, did not make it.

“The adjudicator changed his mark so that he could rectify this, and the adjustment was done long after the performance,” Teffo said.

Teffo said he and the other data capturers were told to change the summary sheet and issue a new one, with the adjusted marks.

Teffo said he could not follow this instruction as it was unethical, immoral and cruel. However, one of the other data capturers complied, which caused the title to be taken from Boetse and given to Makgoka.

The matter was then taken to the Polokwane Cluster Music Competition committee who later took the matter to the district office for a final decision.

The district office then confirmed Boetse as the winner of the cluster level competition, which means they will be proceeding to the provincial level competition, which will take place at Bolivia Lodge on June 22.

Boetse principal, Levy Motsepe, said his school choir was the best and he was happy that the matter had been resolved. “We will be competing at provincial level soon and hopefully we will win and proceed to the nationals,” he said.

“The adjudicators who made this mess should never be given a chance to be judges again because they will commit fraud again,” he concluded.

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