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Cancer survivor stresses importance of check-ups

Cancer survivor Ipfani Matibe (29) of Mufulwi village wants to empower youths with the message that there is life after a cancer diagnosis.

LIMPOPO – Matibe, who was diagnosed with sarcoma in June 2017 says young people take their health for granted by not going for regular check-ups, and stresses the importance of taking control of one’s health.

“In March 2016, I realised that I had developed a lump at the back of my knee, but I didn’t think it was a big deal and I ignored it with the hope that it would go away, but it didn’t. It kept on growing and when I eventually consulted with a doctor, I learned that it was a blood clot,” she told CV.

Like many young people, Ipfani took time to seek help, despite having been referred to a hospital, hoping that the tumor would disappear. It didn’t.

“After my baby was born, I went to the clinic and was given a referral letter to go to hospital.”

Despite the referral, Ipfani opted to stay at home for a long time, still believing the tumor would vanish. Today, she says she missed obvious signs.

“I have a family background of breast cancer, but I had never heard of sarcoma cancer. I was told that the cancer is growing at a rapid rate and there is a chance that it might spread throughout my body.

“After they explained to me what I needed to hear, I tried to be positive. I was willing to do anything to be assisted, as long as I could still live to raise my daughter.”

Sarcoma can affect any part of the body, including the muscle, bone, tendons and blood vessels, she said.

“After all the surgeries, I was told that it would be almost impossible for me to walk straight again with my leg, but here I am, happy and able to walk with ease. It has been two years and I am cancer free, living healthily. All that is left are scars which remind me of what I have been through.”


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