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Daniel says life will never be the same after having lump removed

Daniel Lalegane told BONUS he was grateful for the exposure of his story, which he says ensured proper care from the hospital's side. Shortly after his story was published, Daniel says he received a phone call from the department which wanted to assist.

POLOKWANE – Daniel Lalegane, the patient who had a lump and on whose progress BONUS has reported on, says he has accepted that his life will never be the same again. The lump which started growing on Daniel’s eye in August last year has since been removed.

Daniel says in the beginning of his problems he struggled to get medical assistance in the public health institutions to a point where he almost gave up.

Read more: Patient says he had to buy receptionist a refreshment to secure consultation at Mankweng Hospital

He was, however, operated on at the Mankweng Hospital earlier in October.

Daniel told BONUS he was grateful for the exposure of his story, which he says ensured proper care from the hospital’s side. Shortly after his story was published, Daniel says he received a phone call from the department which wanted to assist.

The operation, during which his left eye had to be removed, was a huge success. “I feel much better now, and go to the Seshego Hospital weekly to have the wound treated.” He says although he still feels like a social outcast, the operation has helped in some areas of his life because he believes that the people who abandoned him after the lump started growing were not good for him.

He learned a lot during his ordeal, he said, especially who to trust and rely upon. He says the next step is for his eye to heal and to go for an operation for an artificial eye. “I have not been told the full details but should be going for that operation soon.”

Daniel says that the only thing that is still giving him problems is the lump that grew on his neck after getting his eye removed. He hopes that he can still get help in removing the lump.


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