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Faulty CT scan gives patient with lump in his neck the run around

A patient from Seshego says he is tired of being given the runaround between the Seshego Hospital and the Pietersburg Provincial Hospital.

POLOKWANE – In April, a lump started growing on Paul Legodi’s neck. Hoping it would subside, he did not immediately seek medical attention.

“I only went to the hospital at the end of May as I did not want to make a mountain out of a molehill.” When he eventually went to the hospital, he was given nothing but painkillers. “I was told I should just drink my tablets and that it would get better, but instead, it got worse.”

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According to Legodi, the lump grew in size and has been affecting his health throughout the entire year. During another visit to the hospital, he was not assisted either.

Departmental spokesperson Neil Shikwambana says the department has a shortage of CT scans in the province and some patients come as far as the Vhembe district to utilise the scan at the provincial hospital.

“They kept giving me the runaround and I would leave the hospital without getting any help.” Legodi says eventually he was transferred to the provincial hospital for a CT scan. After several dates had been scheduled for him to revisit the hospital, he was still not assisted, on several occasions due to faulty equipment.

When he eventually went for a CT scan, he was not given the results when he went to the hospital on 9 August. “After the CT scan I was told I need to go for a biopsy without being told what the results of the CT scan were.”

He was told to go for the biopsy on 16 September and has not gone to the hospital, saying staff keep referring him back to the hospital in Seshego. “I do not know what to do now, because these are the only two hospitals that are within my reach.”

He says if the hospital told him on what the problem or the cause of the lump was, it would have been better.

Neil Shikwambana, Health Spokesperson, said the department has noted the lack of equipment in various hospitals in the province but is working tirelessly to ensure that they provide all five districts with the necessary equipment.

“We have procured CT scanners for the district hospitals and they should be operational within the next few months.” He says patients should be patient with the hospital as they are working to resolve the issues there.


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