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SANBS honour their loyal donors

Blood donors who have donated between 25 and 225 times were honoured by the South African National Blood Service on Friday, 13 September at Fusion Boutique Hotel during a donor awards ceremony.

POLOKWANE – Ipeleng Thetela, donor relations officer, says the purpose of the evening is to treat the donors and show appreciation. “We just want our donors to feel special.”

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She says these were only Polokwane’s donor awards which occur on an annual basis. “It takes a couple of years to reach this milestone, when you reach it you need to be celebrated.” She says that donors can only donate blood a maximum of six times a year.

The donors were given medals for the various milestones they achieved. Thinus Joubert was awarded a medal for his 175 donations.

He says he has been donating blood since 1978, when he was 16 years old. “Because I was still a minor my father had to sign for me whenever I wanted to donate.” He says what motivates him to donate is that he once donated blood which was used for a baby. “That was a life-changing experience, I got the chance to give a baby life.”

He says donating is about fulfilment and he does not care what other people say. “It is a privilege to be able to give life, a fulfilling task.”

Lazarus and Evelyn Lephadima receive recognition for the number of times they have donated blood.

Thinus says he will continue donating blood for as long as he can.


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