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‘Missing mine monies’ leaves the Muila Kwaaidraai community fuming

Residents of Muila Kwaaidraai who are at loggerhead with the senior traditional leader, George Muila, set his house as well as six vehicles on fire on Saturday morning.

POLOKWANE – The community expressed their concern over Muila over the Community Trust’s apparent failure to reveal how community equitable shares from mining company Nkgapu Mineral Resources are utilised.

The community accused Muila of enriching himself alone from royalties and other benefits received from the company.

Read more: Police arrest 12 after Limpopo chief’s house and mine property is destroyed

On Friday night, the house of the chairperson of the Community Mining Forum was set alight, preceding the attack on Muila’s property. Phuthi Kgomo of Nkgapu Mineral Resouces commented on the matter, saying the tension between the mine and the community is something that started a long time ago.

Outraged residents burnt the chief’s house and six vehicles.

“We can confirm that the community has issues regarding unemployment and the Mining Charter beneficiation, and about the empowerment of local business people.”

He confirmed that Muila received a vehicle from them as a gift on his birthday last year. Muila is being accused of undermining and ignoring the community’s demands despite agreeing earlier this year to resolve the issues, they claimed.

Residents said since the mine started operation, the community allege they have not benefitted in any way.

Some of the property damaged by residents.

“We are angry and tired of them not wanting to help develop our community while it is harvesting our wealth on our fields,” community member Suzan Ndou said, adding that the community wants access to the trust account’s statement to see where monies received are spent on.

Muila Traditional Spokesperson, Ndanduleni Muila said the family is still shocked about the incident. The police confirmed that 12 people have been arrested and will face charges of arson.

Damaged caused by a fire started by angry residents.


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