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Local mom uses self defence skills to save her own life

Recently, while loading items into the boot of her vehicle, Nuraan Jardien was approached by four men and her skills kicked in.

POLOKWANE – A Local mom recently used the skills she learned at a self defence studio to save her own life.

Nuraan Jardien from Nirvana joined the Yin Yang Karate and Self Defense studio in March last year.

Read more: Teaching karatekas the art of self defence

It was initially a family activity, but she soon started to enjoy it so much that she decided to join as a coach full-time. Recently, while loading items into the boot of her vehicle, four men approached her.

“It all happened so fast. As soon as I was at my door trying to open it, the one man was already there with his hand on the door waiting to open it. He tried to reach for my keys and bag but I was too fast for him, I threw the bag under my car, lashed out and hit him hard with my fist in his face. The other two tried to open the other doors, which were fortunately locked.”

Yet her one assailant did not give up.

“He came back for a second attempt, and I reached for the loose armrest in my car. I hit him and he fell, and the commotion from the onlookers alerted the security guards at the supermarket.”

Her assailants fled the scene as soon as the guards showed up.

“They ran away without taking anything, but I’m sure they will remember the run-in they had with me,” the tiny-statured Nuraan, who attributed her prompt reactions to the self defence classses, said.

She advised women to at least learn the basic self defence tactics.

“Training a skill repetitively helps with muscle memory and you will be able to stay calm and react when you need to, instead of freezing up and becoming a victim of crime.

“Karate is for all ages and with women falling victim to crime, I advise women to learn some self defense and karate,” she concluded.

She opted not to open a case with the police, as she said all she wanted to do after the incident was to return to her family and rest.


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