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Ride with pride at the first annual Community Bicycle Ride

In celebration of their overall success and growth over the past three years, the Seshego Bicycle Club will be hosting their first Community Bicycle Ride on Saturday 1 September.

POLOKWANE – “The aim of this event is to encourage the youth to participate in activities that are positive and that contribute to their growth. We ride with a purpose, to get fit mentally and physically,” explained Eshard Mothapo, founder of the club.


“The inclusive spirit of the Seshego Community Bicycle Ride enables cyclists of all ages and most skill levels to participate, on any type of bicycle,” he added.

The race will start at 07:00 from Seshego Circle Centre and end at the same location at 19:00. The ride will consist of a 30km route at an approximate speed of 10-13 km/h. “We will stop briefly at two specified locations for snacks and drinks.”

Participants are urged to bring bright head lights, food (children under the age of 18 will be given lunch) and water, wear a helmet, and have at least one working brake. In case of a flat; bring an extra tube, patch kit.

For those who don’t bring their own supplies, snacks, drinks and support will be available from the Ride Support Vehicle (look out for the Yellow Flashing Light at Stops).

Points to pay attention to:

  • Bring bright head lights, food (children under the age of 18 will be given lunch) and water, wear a helmet, and have at least one working brake. In case of a flat; bring an extra tube, patch kit.
  • Expect to stop regularly particularly if you’re in front (no matter how slowly you think we are going, gaps are opening up behind you).
  • Be Predictable – Group riding requires even more attention and predictability than riding alone. Other riders expect you to ride straight, at a constant speed, unless you indicate differently.
  • It is each rider’s responsibility to determine whether it is safe for them to enter an intersection, whether passing through or turning. Do not rely on others for this critical determination; your safety is paramount and only you can determine whether you can safely turn or pass through an intersection!
  • Watch out at all Intersections. When approaching intersections make sure to call our “slowing”, “stopping” and use hand signals. It is essential that you communicate whether you are riding through, or stopping so other riders behind you will know what your intentions are. If a rider calls out “Clear”, it is your responsibility to verify that there is not approaching traffic.
  • Allow cars stuck in the mass to exit or stay behind them until they exit.
  • Hold your line – When someone announces “Hold your line,” this means that you need to maintain your current position relative to the edge of the road. If you swing out or don’t keep your bike steady, you could cause trouble for another cyclist.
  • Car up – This is a verbal caution to beware of an approaching vehicle and to stay right. Repeat the call so others ahead of you also know about the car.
  • Car Back – This is a verbal caution to beware of a vehicle coming up from behind. Move to the right as safely possible to allow them to pass. Repeat the call so others ahead of you also know about the car.
  • Move off the Road if you must stop – Move well off the road so that you don’t interfere with traffic when waiting to regroup or stopping for a mechanical.
  • Maintain a steady speed and hold a consistent line -don’t suddenly slow down or speed up.
  • look out for each other. Loudly shout out cycling ride signals, in addition to hand signals, such as “stopping”, “slowing”, “right turn”, “left turn”, “pothole”, “railroad tracks” to enable riders around and behind you to safely ride.
  • Ride to the right of  yellow line, and ride on the sidewalk only when necessary.

The ride is about meeting new people and encouraging cycling as a positive activity among the youth. “Participants must talk to each other, meet new people and above all HAVE FUN.”

To register visit the Seshego Bicycle Club Facbook page.


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