
Destination Las Vegas for Chemical Reaction group

Chemical Reaction Dance Group have danced their way to Las Vegas.

Chemical Reaction Dance Group have danced their way to Las Vegas.

The group competed against 15 dance groups from across South Africa during the Dance to Las Vegas dance competition, which was held in Cape Town recently.

They came in the top three to qualify to compete in Las Vegas in August.

William Khalo, one of the group members said they were very excited and could not wait to represent the country in Las Vegas.

“We have gained a lot of experience during this competition and we are going back to the drawing board to improve our skills,” Khalo explained.

The dancers have been dancing individually in different groups since 2006, but have been dancing together since March last year.

They practise three hours a day, three times a week.

“We classify ourselves as an urban dance group because we dance all kinds of genres,” Khalo said.

Chemical Reaction is very popular in the Westenburg community.

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