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Single mom (25) gets new RDP house

The MEC for Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Jerry Ndou, applauded the councillor of ward 10 in the Collins Chabane Municipality, Dorgen Ndobe, for taking service delivery to the people.

LIMPOPO – Ndou said Ndobe emulated what President Cyril Ramaphosa said when he spoke about the ‘thuma mina’ campaign which means ‘send me’ where it encourages public servants to be sent to the communities to take services to the people rather than being corrupt and serving their own pockets and interests.

Ndou spoke during the official opening of the four-roomed, fully furnished house build for Confidence Ngobeni (25), an unemployed mother of two at Majozi village in Hlanganani.

Ward councillor of Collins Chabane Municipality ward 10, Dorgen Ndobe, in front of the four-roomed, fully furnished house given to Confidence Ngobeni.

In light of Youth Month, Ndou added he was happy the house was given to the young mother.

“I’m happy with this initiative and the work is appreciated by the community of Majozi, the traditional leadership and the Collins Chabane Municipality as it is our duty to take the services to our people. We urge other councillors to follow Ndobe’s example by always putting their communities first,” Ndou added.

“I also thank the contractor, who is the local chief, Khosi Kwara Nengwekhulu, and CoGHSTA Vhembe representative, Enerst Bamuza, for the good work they are doing in the district by making sure every deserving person gets an RDP house.”

The ward councillors and Nengwekhulu applauded Ndou for building houses for the poor and encouraged him to keep up the good work.

“We thank the MEC for the good work he has done as well as for entrusting us with such a big responsibility. When I built this house, I built it like I would build my mother’s house,” Nengwekhulu said, adding he was tasked with building 28 houses in the Majozi area and managed to complete all of them.

Aside from handing over the new house, Ndou also donated a soccer kit to the Majozi Old Women Soccer team.

The Majozi Old Women Soccer team wearing the new soccer kit donated by CoGHSTA MEC, Jerry Ndou.


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