
Muni: Reservoirs still critical

According to the Polokwane Municipality most of the affected areas, particularly those in the low catchment, started to receive water last night. However the situation still remains critical

POLOKWANE – The reservoirs are still at 0%, says the municipality.

“There is more water being channeled to the affected areas, however, residents are advised to use water strictly for domestic consumption only in order to allow levels to pick up.

Watering of gardens and washing of vehicles is strictly prohibited.

The municipality will continue to supply water to affected areas through water tankers until the situation is back to normal.

The Dalmada purification plant and the Seshego plant in zone 4 behind BM corner are now temporarily opened for the public to draw water from until there is stability on the system. The plants will be accessible until 21:00.

The municipality is working closely with Lepelle Northern Water to ensure recovery and appreciates your patience as the situation improves.

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