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#WFD – Sizzling Sub Snakes with Bacon and Tomato

Spoon in the bacon and tomato mixture, top with mozzarella cheese and place back into the oven until the cheese has melted.

POLOKWANE – This is the ideal dish to bring the family together to make dinner as one.

What’s for Dinner says you can include some “hidden vegetables” into this recipe by adding a few finely grated baby marrows to the pan when frying your bacon.


  1. 1kg store-bought brown bread dough
  2. 400g bacon / viennas / ham, chopped
  3. 1 tin (410 g) chopped tomatoes
  4. 200ml water
  5. 1 x KNORR Naturally Tasty Tuna Napolitana
  6. 250ml grated mozzarella cheese
  7. red and green pepper for decoration


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Heat a frying pan and fry the bacon until cooked.
  3. Stir in the tin of chopped tomatoes, water and contents of the sachet of KNORR Naturally Tasty Tuna Napolitana.
  4. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and allow to simmer until the sauce has thickened.
  5. Divide the dough into four equal portions and roll out into long sausage shapes.
  6. Place onto a large greased baking sheet placing each sausage into a snaky “S” shape.
  7. Cut small lengths of red pepper to create the tongue and small pieces of green pepper to create the eyes and insert into the dough.
  8. Bake in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes or until lightly browned and when tapped makes a hollow sound.
  9. Remove the snakes from the baking sheet and place onto a wire rack to cool.
  10. Once cool slice through the centre of each snake and carefully remove a little of the bread dough.
  11. Spoon in the bacon and tomato mixture, top with mozzarella cheese and place back into the oven until the cheese has melted.


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Raeesa Sempe

Raeesa Sempe is a Caxton Award-winning Digital Editor with nine years’ experience in the industry. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand and started her journey as a community journalist for the Polokwane Review in 2015. She then became the online journalist for the Review in 2016 where she excelled in solidifying the Review’s digital footprint through Facebook lives, content creation and marketing campaigns. Raeesa then moved on to become the News Editor of the Bonus Review in 2019 and scooped up the Editorial Employee of the Year award in the same year. She is the current Digital Editor of the Polokwane Review-Observer, a position she takes pride in. Raeesa is married with one child and enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music and baking – when she has the time. “I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon. – Tom Stoppard

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