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Get rid of flu and colds at home with La Sweet Gemmer

Winter is often said to be the season for flu, but that has never been the case for Ngoakwana Seleka from Mohodi, Ga-Manthata who grew up in a home where they daily brewed and drank ginger.

POLOKWANE – “Growing up my mother always loved cooking and brewing ginger which made her popular in our community. Many people came to our home with empty bottles, especially around winter time, to buy some of the ginger products my mother made as most of them said it helped them avoid contracting the flu or help them recover faster when they did get it,” she explained.

You might also want to read: Tuesday Life Hack: 5 weird and wacky flu hacks to try this winter

Ngoakwana has taken over the business from her mother and is the proud owner and founder of La Sweet Gemmer, along with a company called Thabosilakhu Empire which offers a range of services including catering.

La Sweet Gemmer is a drink she makes which she infused with flavours to add a sweeter flavour to the one they brewed as a family at her home.

She spoke to BONUS and gave readers a simple drink they can make to help them against flu or colds as it helps to boost their immune system and also alleviate the symptoms faster.

You will need:

• About four fresh lemons.

• One whole ginger root.

• Couple of mint leaves.

• Garlic.

• One tablespoon of honey.

• Water.

To prepare:

Chop the ingredients into small chunks and place them in a pot full of water. Bring them to a boil on a stove and boil for 30 minutes, adding the tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Stir until well mixed and then leave to boil for an additional five minutes. Once done, leave the mixture to cool before bottling. Drink it throughout the day and night.

The young entrepreneur highly recommends readers to grab a La Sweet Gemmer drink which is infused with all the natural ingredients needed to alleviate cold and flu symptoms. They can get the drinks directly from her by contacting her at 078 285 6763 or sending an e-mail to ngoakwanaseleka@gmail.com.


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