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Do you still rent/buy DVDs now that live streaming is available?

With technological advances hitting an all-time high, live streaming options such as Netflix and Showmax have now taken the market by storm. Review set out to find whether people are still keen on watching DVDs or has it been over thrown by technology?

POLOKWANE – Not so long-ago DVDs made their debut and videotapes, in an instant became something of the past. No more was there a need to be kind and rewind because that was old-school and one could simply push play. However, with technological advances hitting an all-time high, live streaming options such as Netflix and Showmax have now taken the market by storm. Review set out to find whether people are still keen on watching DVDs or has it been over thrown by technology?

Bo Gerber: “I am a in-betweener, seeing as I enjoy both streaming as well as watching a DVD. One thing I think plays a factor is that the quality of DVD’s is substantially better than downloaded DVD’s however.”

Kyle Gerber: “Sometimes watching things online are easier, but is quality is what you’re after DVD’s is a better choice. I still watch DVD’s and watch series on Showmax. But I think that soon DVD’s will be a thing of the past.”

Annah Serebanee: “I can’t remember when last I’ve watched a DVD to be quite honest with you. I simply don’t watch it anymore, I’d rather stream or download whatever I want to watch it is so much easier than watching a DVD and provides the same entertainment.”

Julia Talakgala: “I still regularly watch DVD’s and even SABC too. I don’t mind how I’m watching a certain movie because movies are movies whether you stream, watch a DVD or it’s a movie on SABC where it comes from is not of importance to me.”

Alta Viljoen: The cost of renting a DVD is actually double if you add the petrol to and from the DVD shop plus the effort it takes to hand it in on time and not get a fine. I’d much rather rent a movie on Box Office, download it or stream a series, its much more convenient.”

Marthie Herholdt: I don’t have much time to actually sit down and enjoy a movie or a show, but when I do I’d much rather avoid the effort of driving and renting a DVD, will much rather watch something on Netflix.”

Phophi Makuya: “I haven’t watched DVD’s for the longest time because I’d much rather stream something. One needs to keep up with technology and that is exactly where it is going.”

Phillip Modimo: “I absolutely love DVD’s and enjoy it all the time. We rotate it between our friends and so we always have something new to watch. This technology is confusing and I am not interested in that. I also watch various shows on SABC.”

Vincent Mushathama: DVD’s is something of the olden days and I haven’t seen one in a very long time. Why watch a DVD if you can download a movie or stream it? It just sounds ridiculous and I don’t think I’d ever watch one again, I love teghnology and keeping up with all the latest trends, you can’t do that watching a DVD.”

Manyasha Rantji: “I definitely prefer streaming, DVD’s are of the olden days and something that had its time. I think the new generation don’t have the time to go and rent DVD’s. I would rather search for a series online or watch a downloaded movie, much less hasstle for the same amount of entertainment.”


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