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Two arrested in Polokwane for alleged illegal use of Police insignia and emblems

Two middle-aged suspects caught using vehicles allegedly marked with full Police emblems and insignia have been arrested in Polokwane, confirmed the police on Saturday morning. 


POLOKWANE – According to Police Spokesperson, Lt Col Maotshe Ngoepe, the vehicles were marked with the Westenburg Sector Police emblems.

“During the arrest two vehicles which allegedly belong to a Community Police Forum (CPF) in the area, were also confiscated for further investigation,” confirmed Ngoepe.

The South African Police Service has condemned this illegal utilisation of its insignia and emblems by anybody outside Police ranks.

“We view this practice in a very serious light because it is depicting a severe confusion within our communities and it is also denting the image of the department and its corporate identity. This must stop abruptly and who ever is found engaged on similar practice, will be dealt with harshly,” said Saps Limpopo Commissioner LT. General Nneke Ledwaba

He further urged residents to report such activities to the nearest Police Station immediately.

The arrested suspects will appear before the Polokwane Magistrates Court soon on charges of impersonating Police, concluded Ngoepe.

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