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Limpopo author shares writing tips

Hosea Pheagane Ramphekwa, an established author, shared seven handy tips for aspiring authors and students studying towards becoming authors.

POLOKWANE – Hosea holds a BA degree in media studies from the University of Limpopo, a postgraduate diploma in journalism from Rhodes University and a diploma in development journalism from the Indian Institute of Mass Communication.

You may also want to read: Writing gives Hosea the power and freedom to express his feelings

Show me any great author in this world and I will show you an avid reader. The top novelists and nonfiction writers are all readers. If you don’t read, you can’t write. The danger with not reading is that you might write a book that already exists. Reading is good for an author so they can increase their vocabulary and expand their imagination. You have to read everything, even the ‘Did You Know’ facts on a bubblegum wrapper.


As an author you have to come across as an expert in whatever you write about. People appreciate it when they realise you have covered a particular subject in all its facets. It’s critical to do research on a subject; homework is crucial.

Study the greats:

It’s beneficial to admire other authors by checking their work. There’s so much to learn from them and if you are observant you can pick up principles, skills and style to make the grade in the craft.

Know your target audience:

When you know who you are writing for, you know what writing style or language to use. If your target is people in the medical fraternity, you have to use a lingo they are acquainted with. When you write for young people, make it interesting; make your readers feel like you are a part of them, that you understand them.

Always carry a notebook or recorder:

It’s important to write down ideas. Ideas can come to us anytime, anywhere. You can’t plan to have ideas as the best ideas come spontaneously when you least expect. Carrying a notebook or a recorder can help. If you don’t record or jot down an idea, chances are you may never get the idea again.

Write every day:

To be perfect at writing, you have to do it every day, even if you only write one sentence. Write until it becomes a habit; don’t worry about being perfect, just get into it and later you will reach perfection. Every artform requires hours of practice.

Create a writing environment:

It’s important to manage your writing time. When it’s time to write, write and avoid distractions. Switch off your TV, data and other things that will distract you. Use a computer that is not connected to the internet as with easy access to the internet, it can be a challenge to be productive.


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