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Capricorn Distric Municipality Mayor’s festive wishes

Capricorn District Municipality takes this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, fulfilling festive season, a period that brings us closer to the end of the year.

We bid farewell to a year that was characterised by growth in partnerships and support we received from our communities and stakeholders.
It is with that massive support we were able to deliver on many fronts and milestones from the beginning of 2017 to the end.
As we know, the festive season is a period of celebrations, celebrations that display unequal class positions and thus load a stark burden of poverty unfairly on the less fortunate.
As a district that is kind, liveable and friendlier, let us live up to our values of ubuntu and extend a helping hand of kindness, compassion and generosity, and share with the poor, needy families.
As these celebrations take various forms, let us not spoil or ruin our holidays with traffic infractions, abuse of alcohol, incidents of crime and acts of inhumanity that usually characterise this period. Let us be vigilant on the road for safer traffic and pedestrian mobility.
We urge you to please use water wisely and keep disasters out of your celebrations. As our well-being can only be sustained by good health, let us stay wise and use condoms.
For any disaster or emergency, remember to call our around the clock toll free number at 0800 666 777. Our municipal offices will stay open throughout the festive season.
I once again take this opportunity on behalf of the Capricorn District Municipality to wish you well during this festive season and a prosperous 2018!
Capricorn District Municipality Mayor
John Mpe

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