
Supplements to fight thyroid disorders

Thyroid disease is a common problem which can cause a variety of symptoms due to over- or under-function of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is an essential organ for producing thyroid hormones which maintain the body’s metabolism.

Here is a list of supplements which will help you fight a thyroid disorder and ensure your thyroid functions properly.

Iodine: It is the most critical nutrient for good thyroid function. Consume more iodine-rich foods such as seaweed and other sea vegetables, seafood and fish, and even cranberries that have been harvested from bogs near a seacoast, kelp and dulse. If you are allergic to iodine you can use colourless iodine liquid by rubbing it on your feet.

Selenium: Many with hypothyroidism have been found to be selenium deficient and this can reduce the activity of thyroid hormones. This nutrient is essential for converting T4 into T3 thyroid hormone. It also has the ability to suppress anti-thyroid antibodies in people who suffer from thyroid inflammation or thyroiditis. Reversing selenium deficiency could actually repair thyroid metabolism by increasing the intracellular conversion of T4 to T3. Selenium rich food include seafood, Brazil nuts, barley, red Swiss chard, oats, brown rice, beef, lamb, turnips, garlic, egg yolk, chicken, radishes and pecan nuts.

Zinc: Is needed for hypothalamus to stimulate the pituitary gland which signals the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Ginger root is one of the best sources of zinc.

Vitamin D: Is important as it not only transports thyroid hormones into our cells and helps contribute to proper hormonal pathways, it’s also an immune modulator, meaning it can help regulate immune function. Vitamin D is necessary for thyroid hormone production in the pituitary gland and possibly in binding T3 to its receptor. This nutrient also affects bone health and can even prevent cancer. It is wise to get tested and know where your vitamin D levels stand.

Multivitamin: A good multivitamin will ensure you are getting the basic nutrients.

L-Tyrosine: Is needed by the body to manufacture thyroid hormones from iodine.

Glutathione: A powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and one of the pillars of help for the thyroid. It boosts your body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system, dampen autoimmune flare-ups and protect and heal thyroid tissue.

Bladderwrack: A type of seaweed and rich source of iodine. It is used to stimulate the thyroid gland thus increasing metabolism.

Lizel Britz 072 243 7707.

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