
Winter school gives learners the edge for trial exams

Review asked some of the gr. 12 learners from Flora Park Comprehensive High School (FPCHS) what they thought were the benefits of winter school

POLOKWANE – Flora Park Comprehensive High School (FPCHS) winter school has made it possible for Grade 12 learners to attend extra classes to catch up or simply revise on the work done over the first two terms of the year.

Many of the learners say they prefer to attend winter school for financial reasons, as the classes at FPCHS is free. Gr 12 learners face numerous challenges and this opportunity to get extra help is a way for the school to show support for the learners during their final year.

A learner attending these classes, Kgaugelo Kgwelem, told Review being in Grade 12 is pressure-filled and the pressure comes from different areas of their lives. She says there is a lot of talk around free classes not being as comprehensive as paid-for classes, and that students may get confused with the topics as they may not be taught by their regular teachers. But, according to Kgaugelo, this isn’t the case at FPCHS.

“The teachers that teach us are the ones that have been teaching us for years, so they know where we lack the most, so they are able to focus on those places where we lack to make sure that we fully understand and grasp the work,” she said.

Another learner, Ntombi Thobekgale, said the point of winter classes is to help them keep focus on their school work and to prepare them for the trial exams.

Khutso Mckenzie, also a Grade 12 learner, said because she is saving up for her tertiary education, she opted to attend the free winter school this year instead of paying a private institution to learn the same work.

Physical sciences and mathematics are among the subjects covered at winter school.

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