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New Rotary President for Haenertsburg

The induction ceremony of Paddy Ansell as President of Rotary Club Haenertsburg included a scrumptious lunch at the Village Hall on Saturday.

HAENERTSBURG – The Preservation of Planet Earth in its Diversity is this year’s motto. In keeping with this theme, each table was labelled with something unique from the area – grasslands, the Long Tom, the Iron Crown, Serala, Ebenezer and Woodbush.

Both the District Governor, Grant Daly, and outgoing Haenertsburg Rotary President, Stuart Miller, outlined the positive difference Rotary has made locally and internationally. Grant outlined the Rotary international conference that he’d attended. Huge sums of money were allocated for the well-being of Africa by first world countries with the German government earmarking €6 billion.

Stuart outlined the work that had been done in the past year. The Harley Owners Group donated R10 000 to the Thusanang Centre. Fire extinguishers were installed at the Garden Cottages in Haenertsburg. Haenertsburg Primary School received a 2 500 litre water tank. The broken window panes at Appel School were replaced with 72 panes of glass. Glenshiel School is to be provided with proper lighting and other facilities. Work is still in progress to establish the Long Tom gun site which commands an unparalleled panoramic view of the surrounding mountains. Stuart proudly announced that this year’s Ebenezer Mile was the most successful and profitable Mile to date.

District Governor Grant Daly from Polokwane. In front from left are outgoing President, Stuart Miller, incoming President, Paddy Ansell, and David Grant from Rotary Club Kyalami.

Rotarian Ellwyn Kent, who has relocated to George in the Western Cape, received thanks for his contribution while at Rotary while Stuart handed out awards and certificates for excellent service.

Cilla Wildgoose received an award for her cartographic work. She is mapping out the five sectors within the greater Haenertsburg area which involves exact mapping of every dwelling on every farm. These maps will ultimately help the police, fire brigade, other essential services and the community to find dwellings where occupants are in need. The maps are still not complete as not all sectors comply with the necessary information and it is in the interest of everyone’s safety that all comply with the request.

The Rotarian of the year award went to Bernard van den Dool who single-handedly arranged and organised a massive book distribution in Limpopo. Colleen Venter, owner of The Red Plate restaurant, was awarded for her excellent culinary service and the Fun Hillbilly Award went to Amy Taylor who was also MC for the day.

New members, Laurie Railton and Jeneane Hayter, were welcomed into Rotary with a certificate of membership as well as new badges.

Lastly, but of vital importance, Paddy was inducted as President of Haenertsburg Rotary. Although the oldest president ever appointed at the age of 73, she looks half her age and is regarded as a no-nonsense go-getter who will stand her in good stead. Paddy was born in Johannesburg and moved to KwaZulu Natal where she farmed with cattle and sheep. She’s always had family in the Haenertsburg area and decided to settle just outside the village seven and a half years ago. The afternoon ended with Paddy introducing her Board members to the Rotarians and honoured guests.


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