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Top Limpopo official up for sexual harassment

The South African Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) and the DA have called for the suspension of a senior official in the Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM), following sexual harassment allegations lodged against him by a female employee.

LIMPOPO – In a statement issued by Samwu, the Deputy Provincial Secretary, Ronald Mani, said the union learned with shock and dismay about the allegations against the man, whose name is known to CV.

“The man has, for a long time, treated the municipality as his personal fiefdom, ill-treating workers, as well as dismissing them for flimsy and ridiculous reasons devoid of substance and facts,” read the statement.

As a progressive union, Samwu said the union wanted to put it on record that they condemned the behaviour.

Samwu Deputy Provincial Chairperson, Nelson Mokgotho, said they had spoken to the victim, who is also a member of the union.

“The woman recently approached the Groblersdal Magistrate’s Court for a protection order against the official,” said Mokgotho.

The union applauded its member for speaking out against the alleged sexual harassment through the court.

Samwu has further called for the mobilisation of all workers, particularly women in the district and the province, to support the woman at the Groblersdal Magistrate’s Court on 26 May.

“We also call on the management of SDM together with the political leadership, particularly the mayor, to act decisively and suspend the alleged perpetrator so he will not continue with his antics and try to intimidate potential witnesses,” said the union.

The DA also released a statement condemning the behaviour of the official.

According to the municipality’s DA Caucus Leader, Solomon Maila, it was alleged that the official had been demanding sexual favours from female staffers in exchange for promotion and other benefits and further threatened to make their lives in the workplace unbearable if they refused.

“The DA has established the sexual harassment has been going on for some time before reaching boiling point last week.

“The official, who has already reportedly violated a court order obtained by one of his victims, will appear in the Groblersdal Magistrate’s Court to answer to the charges against him,” said Maila.

The opposition party said it had a zero tolerance approach to any form of abuse, especially in situations where women are threatened with their jobs.

“We expect action to be taken against the official to ensure all staff can feel safe in the work place,” read the statement.

SDM Spokesperson, Willy Mosoma, confirmed that one of its employees, a manager, has lodged a grievance against another senior official, on allegations of sexual harassment.

He also confirmed that the woman had obtained a protection order.

“The grievance on allegations of sexual harassment was raised in line with the SDM grievance procedure and is currently receiving the utmost attention from the municipal manager as instructed by the mayor,” said Mosoma.


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