
From hip hop heavyweight to gospel star

"I have known many people who doubted God's power because they had never before experienced His miracles, I was the same until my accident"

LIMPOPO – A local hip hop artist gave up his career as a rapper and ventured into gospel after a close encounter with death in 2014.

Malawi native Felix Limbani says he saw the light after surviving a car accident two years ago.

“I have known many people who doubted God’s power because they had never before experienced His miracles and the same happened to me before I had an accident,”he explains.

“From that day onwards, I realised that God does indeed live with us, and I couldn’t think of a better way of repaying Him than converting,” he says. According to Felix, he changed genres in order to better relay God’s message to His followers.

His stage name Perfekt, symbolises his transition from his wayward ways into a believer who goes to church. “I’m now a convert and lead a perfect and holier life than I used to before the accident.”

He has just released his first gospel album, Son of Judah, through which he says he aims to recruit more youth into the Kingdom of God.

His first gig since the release of his new album was at the beginning of this month. His second took place on Saturday at the MalaFM Music Festival.

Felix studied cinematography in Durban, a course which has to do with directing the operation of cameras during a movie shooting.

“It is not safe to rely on one source of income nowadays, one needs something to fall back on,” he says, urging the youth to prioritise education before anything else.



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