
The benefits of herbal tea

Here follows a list of herbs and their benefits when drank as a tea:

Not many people know that Herbal tea isn’t made from a specific tea leaf. The French use the word tisane, which is a little more accurate, since herbal tea is really just an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark, extracted in hot water. In drinking a well-steeped herbal tea, we get all the plant’s benefits in an easily digestible form.

Here follows a list of herbs and their benefits when drank as a tea:

Echinacea Herb: Helps reduce symptoms of allergies, is an antibiotic, aids digestion, beneficial for the immune system. It also aids in the treatment of infections, inflammation, large intestine issues, liver complaints, lung disease and stomach problems.

Elder flower & Elder Leave: Relieves colds and flu, hay fever, nasal congestion, and sinusitis and lessons the effects of diabetes.

Eyebright: Relieves coughs, eye problems, nasal congestion and sinusitis.

Fennel: Aids breast milk flow, relieves symptoms of diarrhoea, eye problems, flatulence, heartburn, indigestion, menopause and menstruation cramps.

Ginkgo Leaves: Beneficial in the treatment of age degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, arterial problems, asthma, eye problems, heart disease, memory loss, and tinnitus.

Golden Rod: Helps relieve the symptoms of bladder Problems, emotional shock, intestinal bleeding, kidney disorder, renal failure and stress.

Great Celandine: Is a blood purifier, helps relieve symptoms of bronchitis, gallbladder hepatitis, jaundice kidney disease, leukaemia, liver ailments, piles, skin problems, urinary cramps and a whooping cough.

Hawthorn Leaves: Helps relieve the symptoms of angina, arteriosclerosis, cholesterol, Heart disease, hypertension, and water retention.

Horsetail: To be used in the case of bladder problems, bronchitis, delusions gout kidney disorders, rheumatism, tonsillitis, ulcerated legs, urinary cramps and vomiting blood.

Hyssop Herb: Helps relieve symptoms of asthma, bronchitis colds, coughs, muscle pain, respiratory sinusitis and throat infections.

Indian Cornbeard: To be used in the case of bedwetting, cystitis, Gout, kidney stones, nephritis, rheumatism, swelling, urinary problems water retention, and can be used as weight-reducer.

Lady’s Mantel: Helps to relieve symptoms of abdominal pain, anaemia, epilepsy, pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis, fever, hernia, menopause and has been known to lower the chance of miscarriages, multiple sclerosis, muscular atrophy and weak muscles.

Lavender Blossom: Helps relieve symptoms of bronchitis, coughs, headaches, insomnia, menopause, migraines, nervous tension and night sweats.

Lungwort Herb: Aids in the prevention of bleeding lungs, burns, coughs, dysentery, inflammation swelling, throat problems and tonic tumours.

More on tea next week.

Lizel Britz 072 243 7707

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