
Who is to blame?

Relentless Youth with Nhlanhla: People tend to shift the responsibility of their growth and advancement to another person

A colleague said this to me yesterday; some people do not have the patience to start and build their own business over three years but have the patience to work for someone for 40 years. Unfortunately that is a sad reality. Any person who has the patience to work for a salary that is determined by another person has limited space to grow his/ her own wealth, except under special and rare circumstances.

Observing the language spoken by many South Africans or African, one would wonder whether the sufferings, poverty, slow economic growth, etc. are indeed due to the suffering of the old governance system or are self-inflicted.  Like it was stated in the ancient book, when Adam sinned against God, he blamed it on his wife, who later blamed it on the serpent.  People tend to shift the responsibility of their growth and advancement to another person, who may not have the influence on their thinking behaviour. That I believe is the course of our suffering.  In Africa, ten people can blame the current or previous government for the current state of poverty, while within the ten; one will emerge and create employment for the nine without the assistance of the government. That in itself is proof that we do have resource, they are just hidden in the discovery of the mind.

So we can say it is true that much food is found in the tillage of a sluggard. While we may argue the fact, let us examine our own efforts in attaining whatever transformation we may deem necessary for us. Instead of having confidence in the one figure that points at the person in front of you, ask yourself what the rest of the three fingers mean by pointing back at you.  We cannot afford to observe the wind, be blown astray by every wind of doctrine and continue to slave through our own misery. I believe it is time Africa Transform, but we have to first blame ourselves for failing to use the time and resources given.

Martin Luther King Jr once said, a nation that promotes weak and simple thinking purchases its own death on an instalment plan. I believe the same applies for us, for South Africa and for Africa. Its time for change! Let us take stock of our actions.

Talk to me on or facebook: Nhlanhla G. Mafarafara

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